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What We Do

AccountabilityWorks conducts research on topics of national significance in state and district accountability, including standards, assessments, data analysis and reporting, and incentives and sanctions to ensure success.

In addition, AccountabilityWorks offers policymakers, reform-minded organizations and parents assistance in designing or improving accountability, assessment and evaluation.  For instance:

  • Collaborative state efforts to improve the development or administration of assessments
  • Systems of positive incentives, such as bonuses and recognition, for successful teachers, schools, and local education agencies
  • The content, alignment, rigor, and technical trustworthiness of assessments and achievement levels
  • Growth-based models for accountability
  • Assessment tools to assist parents in monitoring and participating in their children's education
  • Scientifically-based research studies to evaluate results
  • The content and rigor of academic content standards
  • Systems of interventions and sanctions for non-performing schools and local education agencies

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