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Who We Are

Theodor Rebarber, CEO


Theodor Rebarber is CEO and founder of AccountabilityWorks. Before that, he was co-founder and chief education officer of a charter school management company that achieved high test score gains with disadvantaged students. Previously, he developed and passed standards and charter legislation as a legislative director in Congress, managed test development at a system of privately-managed public schools, developed policy on standards-based reform at the U.S. Department of Education, and researched education policy at  the Vanderbilt Institute for Public Policy Studies (VIPPS). 

Richard W. Cross, Director of Research


Richard W. Cross has a range of academic and work experience in assessment and statistics. Prior to AccountabilityWorks, Cross was director of assessment at a charter school management company that achieved high test score gains with disadvantaged students. He has published in academic journals on topics related to student learning, behavior, and testing, and taught for twelve years at the college and graduate levels, and taught for five years at the high school level.

Keith R. Ornelas, Research Associate


Keith R. Ornelas is the primary assistant to the CEO and Research Director in all matters of research and writing.  He is also the project coordinator for activities related to Arithmetic Online.

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