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Test Catalog: Reading Measures OnLine (RMOL)℠
Reading Measures OnLine (RMOL)SM
$2.95 single test form purchase
(Email us here to arrange discount pricing for members of your group or association. )

Reading Measures OnLine (RMOL)℠ is an assessment tool designed to help parents monitor the development of children’s critical reading skills over the course of each academic year in grades 1 through 8.
Reading skills measured include Oral Reading Fluency and Reading Comprehension. There are three assessments at each grade: Fall, Winter and Spring. Two reading passages are included on each assessment, one fiction and the other nonfiction. Parents record any errors while students read each passage aloud for 1 minute. Students then independently answer 4-6 multiple choice questions about each passage by selecting the correct answer on the computer. A full assessment usually takes about 5 minutes of parent time and another 10-15 minutes for the student to work independently (less for younger students). Additional information about RMOL℠ assessments and reports can be found on the main RMOL℠ web page here.
How to Assign an RMOL℠ Test?
To assign an RMOL℠ test to a student, select the test based on the student’s grade and the current month of the year. You MUST use your child's current grade level or the test results may be incorrect.
Be sure that the grade on the student's profile (accessible from the student's row on your main My Account page) matches the grade level of the test you wish to select.
How to Use RMOL℠ to Check Student Progress?
You can monitor improvement over the course of an academic year by administering up to three assessments.
The Fall assessment provides information early in the year about whether a child needs additional assistance, or would benefit from a more challenging reading curriculum.
The Winter assessment allows you to make adjustments, if necessary, before the end of the academic year.
The Spring assessment provides information about whether the child has met end-of-grade goals or if he or she requires summer tutoring or extra practice.
Fall (August - November); Winter (December - March); Spring (April - July)
(as entered in the Student Profile)
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